Dr. Philipp Agostini is a cosmetic surgeon specialised in plastic surgery, as well as founder and manager of ClinicAgostini Centre for Cosmetic Surgery in Bolzano
Il chirurgo Dott. Tobias Del Gaudio è specialista in Chirurgia Plastica, Estetica e Ricostruttiva. Inoltre ha conseguito in Germania il corso di alta specializzazione in Chirurgia della Mano.
Nel suo ultimo incarico il Dott. Del Gaudio era viceprimario presso l`Ospedale Universitario di Friedrichshafen (Germania)
Dania Stievano is the secretary of the ClinicAgostini Centre for Cosmetic Surgery in Bolzano. She is the person to speak to if you have any administrative questions.
Alexandra Rier is a professional theatre nurse specialised in anaesthetics
Dr Matthias Unterkircher is a nutritionist and nutrition scientist who trained at the German University for Prevention and Health Management and the University of San Raffaele in Rome.
Cristina Bina is a professional beautician and has attended specialisation courses in Ayurvedic Treatments and LPG Techniques
Ursina Brechbühl is specialized in permanent makeup and director of the permanent makeup and tattoo formation institute in Innsbruck
Dr. Davide Galesso is a psychologist, psychotherapist and professional socio-pedagogical educator with ten years of experience in the clinical and pedagogical field.
Dr Flavia Costantino is a psychologist and psychotherapist with a cognitive-behavioural orientation. In her practice in Bolzano, she deals with anxiety and depression disorders, ADHD and behavioural disorders, and emotional, relational and personality difficulties.